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Southeast Asia Reflection

As I'm finally finishing up this phase or journey of life, I can't help but reflect on what I've taken from it. I've laughed, cried, gotten frustrated and stood in awe before the world unraveling before me. I've learned that there's never a single way to look at something, that there's something special hidden around every corner if you look for it and that the possibilities can be endless if you work towards what you love. Every single person I met this trip had a different perspective on life and I chose to learn from them instead of trying to prove my points above theirs, and I'm really glad I did. Every person has a different way of going about their life paths, however it is clear to me now more than ever that we all want the same thing: to be accepted and feel validated.

It is truly amazing how many times I ran into friends in different countries: some expected and some unexpected. Life is a web of intertwining roads, some intertwine once while others seem to keep bumping into each other. You never know when you'll see someone for the last time so it's safe to say you should savor every moment you have with the individuals you meet. One thing is for sure though; the only person you have to run into every day is you. You are the master of your own destiny, responsible for the type of positive and negative energy around you. The same day can appear gloomy or incredible depending on the way you look at it. Of course I'm not saying you should be happy every day (as I used to think). I think that the negatives make you grow more than the positives and the low days make the high days even more amazing. You should live your life in only one way, the way that you want it. You also have to be okay with the person you are and never feel that you're not enough, because you are as long as you believe it. People might try to focus on what makes us imperfect but those are the people that haven't realized that imperfections are what makes life beautiful, unpredictable and interesting. These are also the people that have more doubts and questions in their mind so ignore them but keep your arms open for them if they ever decide to come around.

It is absolutely impossible to get bored in this Earth, there will always be uncovered territory you can travel to, unexpected conversations to be had and friends to be made everywhere you go. Life is not boring, repetitive circumstances are. However, the last point does not suggest constantly shifting from place to place, it refers to challenging yourself every day to be open enough to experience new things. Share a smile and conversation with the strangers next to you, go to a part of town you've never been before or try that one restaurant dish on the menu you haven't yet tried. There is nothing more lethal to life than complacency.

While taking a step into the unknown might be scary because you simply don't know if you'll be left in a worst state than before, it's worth the effort. Experiences can solely be negative if you make them so. Life is designed as a series of challenges and failures that build you up to the ideal version of yourself, if you're patient enough to accept its course (it's a shame the step is completed when you die but oh well). True strength involves looking at the negatives and extracting something positive from them. Whether it's a life lesson, an example of what not to do next time or an idea on what will work, it doesn't matter. As long as you continue to grow you shouldn't regret.

So keep looking up and working towards what you love the most and don't let others bring you down because in the end, everyone (including you) is at their core unique, kind, open to new experiences and the best person they can be.

Shed the importance you put over material objects and focus on making memories with the people you love the most, because in the end everything withers, rots or is lost and the one thing that remains is your connection to the places you traveled to, the people you met along the way and memories you formed. Live pleasantly, laugh hard, learn from the negatives, open your heart to the world and most importantly go out there and explore, its actually quite fun.

Thank you Asia for reminding me of the freedom I hold, for keeping the flame within me alive and blazing hot and for introducing me to such amazing places and people without whom my life would not be the same.

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